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维吉尼亚Law and Regulation Regarding Dam Safety


Virginia is home to over 10,000英里的海岸线和数千英亩的水域由各种各样的 differing types of waterbodies.  As a result, Virginia is also home to thousands of dams both public and private.  事实上,2018年,英联邦有2000多座国家监管的水坝.[1]  As will be explained below, 这个数字还不包括许多不受国家监管的水坝, so the actual number of dams in Virginia is likely far greater.  With so many dams it should come as no surprise that clients often contact our 滨水法律小组 with legal questions pertaining to dams.  In this article we will attempt to answer some of the more common questions.

在深入了解大坝安全的法律和监管框架之前,让我们先介绍一些关于大坝的基本知识.  的 National Geographic Society’s Encyclopedia 总结得很好:“大坝是建在河流或溪流上的阻挡水的结构.  People have used different materials to build dams over the centuries.  Ancient dam builders used natural materials such as rocks or clay.  Modern-day dam builders often use concrete.  Manmade dams create artificial lakes called reservoirs.”  When it comes to the reasons why dams fail, the Association of Dam Safety 发现三分之一的大坝溃坝是由于“溢流”(由水溢出大坝水口造成)。.  Other noteworthy causes identified by that organization are foundation defects, 破解, inadequate maintenance and upkeep, 和管道. 

维吉尼亚Law and Regulation Around Dam Safety

Virginia has an entire section of its legal code devoted to dams.  在维吉尼亚州,大多数水坝都受维吉尼亚水坝安全法案(“法案”)的监管,该法案被编纂为 弗吉尼亚法典第10条.1-604等序列.  顾名思义, the purpose of the Act is to provide for proper and safe design, 建设, operation and maintenance of dams to protect public safety.  弗吉尼亚州水土保持委员会(“委员会”)负责根据该法案颁布法规, but the day-to-day management of the program has been delegated to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).  的 Board’s regulations are codified at 4 VAC 50-20-10至400.  另外, 一些地方设立了地方咨询委员会,就该社区的具体问题向理事会和难民专员办事处提供咨询意见.  Va. 代码§10.1-606.

该法案规定的水坝所有者必须向委员会申请运营和维护证书.  的y must also file an Emergency Action Plan with local authorities.  根据该法案,受监管的水坝由监管机构根据其对生命造成危害的可能性或在水坝失败的情况下造成严重经济损失的可能性进行分类. 的 possible classifications are “high,” “significant,” or “low.“危险分类决定了大坝检查的频率和人员, and what type of permits are required for 建设 or repair.  Every dam must be inspected by the owner at least once a year.  In addition to these annual inspections by the owners, 高危险性大坝必须每两年由专业工程师进行一次检查.  相比之下, a low hazard dam need only be inspected by a professional engineer every six years, or in some cases not at all. 所有检验报告必须按法案规定的时间间隔提交给有关当局.

另外, 在建造或修理任何受管制的水坝之前,业主必须获得适当的许可.  低风险水坝的所有者可能有资格获得不那么严格的“一般许可证”,而对于被归类为重大或高危险结构的水坝,可能需要更复杂的批准证书.  Va. 代码§10.1-605.3. 

此外, 受监管水坝的所有者被禁止允许某些树木或其他植被在水坝25英尺范围内生长,甚至被要求清除任何可能在那里生长的植被.  Va. 法典第10条.1-609.2.  值得注意的, the requirement to remove vegetation does not apply to certain wetland vegetation, 事实上,未经批准移除湿地植被可能会产生严重的法律后果.

许多业主惊讶地得知,委员会成员或其代理人有权"在合理的时间和合理的情况下"进入他们的私有财产,进行检查和测试,或采取委员会认为履行本条规定的职责所必需的其他行动, including the inspection of dams that may be subject to this article, 惟委员会或其代理人或雇员须作出合理努力,在进入土地前取得土地拥有人的同意.”  Va. 代码§10.1-610.  不允许官员为这些目的进入可能导致民事处罚和/或刑事起诉. 类似的, 委员会的代理人必须进行定期检查,以监测正在进行的建造或修理受管制水坝,以确保工作按照适用的一般许可证或批准证书进行. If discrepancies are noted, 官员可以发布行政命令,要求业主遵守. Va. 代码§10.1-610.1.  如物业拥有人认为他受该行政命令的侵害, he may appeal under the Administrative Process Act.  然而, 业主应该意识到,对行政机关的决定提出上诉是复杂的,必须严格遵守程序才能有成功的机会.  如果您认为您与监管官员的互动可能会导致您希望在法庭上挑战行政命令的合法性,那么您应该咨询经验丰富的法律顾问(越早越好).  

Notwithstanding the above, not every dam falls under the authority of the Act. 该法案明确豁免未达到一定规模和/或容量阈值的水坝. It also exempts dams which are owned or licensed by the federal government, and dams which are used for certain specific purposes such as mining.  Va. 代码§10.1-604.  话虽如此, even if you believe that your dam is exempt from regulation under the Act, 在没有咨询滨水物业律师的情况下进行大坝工程将是一个错误.  这是因为未经授权对大坝进行改造的处罚可能相当严厉.

例如, if a property owner fails to comply with the Act, 委员会可向巡回法院提起诉讼,寻求命令,要求业主修改或拆除大坝.  If the suit is successful, the owner will be responsible not only for the cost of the modification or removal, 而且还用于偿还董事会的法律费用和将业主告上法庭的费用. Va. 代码§10.1-613. 此外,违反该法,故意操作、建造或改造大坝也是犯罪行为.  违规者可能被判犯有3级轻罪,并可能受到每天最高500美元(不超过25美元)的民事罚款,000).  Va. 代码§10.1-613.1

布莱恩·皮尔普斯 是一个皇冠搏彩APP下载 & 皇冠线上买球平台 attorney focusing his practice on maritime and riparian law, 建设 law and worker’s compensation matters.

[1] http://damsafety.org/virginia

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